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日本胜利有限公司(“JVC”公司)与建伍公司(“KENWOOD”公司)(总称“两家公司”)于2008年10月1日通过股份转移和管理合并成立了一家合资控股公司,“JVC KENWOOD 控股有限公司”。
员工规模(合并后):19,044 名(截至2008年3与31日) 
JVC 公司致力于能够为尽可能多的人群提供可以从体育和艺术中获得灵感和激情的机会。长久以来,依赖于这一坚定的信念,JVC公司已在以音乐、艺术和体育为主的广泛的文化活动中进行了无穷的探索并投入最大精力。
JVC 公司对世界许多国家的多项赛事给予了赞助,以期使更多的人能够感受来自体育活动的鼓舞与激情 – 获得“最完美的体验”。特别值得一提的是,公司参与了UEFA 欧洲足球冠军杯赛。自担任1980年意大利UEFA 锦标赛的官方合作伙伴以来,JVC 公司已为这项高端足球赛事提供了广泛支持,着力于比赛所需的音频和视频设备方面。JVC公司将一如既往地不断创新和探索,坚持通过尖端技术和产品的研发,使这些精彩体育赛事的广大拥趸在通过音频视频设备欣赏比赛时,能够体会到身临其境的绝佳感受,仿佛可以听到来自现场的欢呼声,真切感知场内运动员的激情澎湃。
JVC 爵士音乐节
音乐始终是公司聚焦的核心部分,JVC 自1984年起举办了著名的JVC 国际爵士音乐节系列活动。此项音乐盛典使世界各地的音乐爱好者能够借助JVC公司的产品欣赏最流行的爵士音乐,为之激情澎湃。
JVC 国际爵士音乐节已为世界音乐文化做出了不可磨灭的贡献。时至今日,JVC 国际爵士音乐节已成功举办了170届,超过四百万的观众欣赏到了顶尖音乐的现场精彩演出。公司今后将会继续以这一方式传达爵士乐的激情和力量。
JVC 公司自1978年创立了东京国际录影节(TVF)- 一项世界最大的录影赛事之一。统计至当前,录影节已吸引来自全世界95个国家与地区的超过48,000份的录影作品。TVF 为所有人提供了一个参与录影体验并享受视频创作乐趣的平等机会。举个例子,在2007年3月份举办的TVF中,由日本一家高校广播俱乐部选送的作品的作者位列第三,与一位国际选手及另一位获特等奖的日本选手成为前三甲,并一同在报纸和其他媒介中广为宣传。JVC 公司今后将继续赞助录影节以不断促进视像文化的发展。
JVC 的宗旨是成为国际社会的一名良好企业公民和可信任伙伴。
在越南,共计200 名 JVC 公司员工从2002年起发起植树绿化活动,以保护有多处世界自然文化遗址的胡志明市的天然风光与自然环境。 
在美国,美国癌症协会通过吸引赞助举办“生命接力”的赛事活动。JVC 公司已在15年间积极参与这些赛事,从而在公益事业中赢得殊荣。 JVC必将坚持不懈地参与以上各种类型的社会活动,作出行业表率并彰显与众不同的地位。 
1927 年建立日本胜利唱机有限公司。 
1939 年制造出日本首部电视接收器。 
1954 年制造出日本首张密纹(EP)唱片。 
1956 年开发出 45/45 的立体声唱片格式。 
1958 年制造出日本首张立体声黑胶(LP)唱片。 
1960 年推出JVC第一台彩色电视机21CT-11B 
1963 年推出世界上最小的双磁头录像机KV-200 
1971 年推出4声道立体声唱片CD-4 
1976 年推出世界上第一台VHS家用录像机HR-3300 
1978 年举办第一届JVC东京录影节 
1980 年开始赞助UEFA欧洲足球冠军赛 
1984 年
1) 举办第一届JVC爵士音乐节 
1986 年推出世界上最小、最轻的VHS-C摄像机GR-C7 
1987 年推出世界上第一台S-VHS录像机HR-S7000 
1990 年推出世界上第一台VHS/VHS-C兼容的录像机HR-SC1000 
1991 年推出行业中第一台宽屏幕电视机AV-36W1 
1993 年
1995 年推出世界上第一台袖珍数码摄像机GR-DV1 
1998 年推出全S-XGA高清晰D-ILA多媒体背投电视DLA-G10 
1999 年推出世界上第一台每盘可以录制24小时的D-VHS录像机HM-DR10000 
2002 年
2) 推出等离子电视PD-42/35DT3 
1) 推出高清数字视频摄像机GR-HD1。 
2) 推出 组件小型组件系统EX-A1。 
1) 赞助2004年欧洲足球锦标赛。 
2) 在北美推出HD-ILA 混合投影电视机。 
3) 推出硬盘摄像机 "Everio" GZ-MC200/MC100。 
1) JVC 公司成为欧洲足球协会联盟(UEFA EUROTOP)官方合作机构。 
2) 推出数字音频播放器 XA-AL55 与 XA-MP101/MP51。 
3) 推出专业级HDV 高清摄像机GY-HD100。 
4) JVC 与Victor Entertainment公司联手研发出高端音频压缩技术"net K2"。 
5) 推出37 英寸液晶电视机 LT-37LC70, 使用行业首个高速液晶驱动器。 
6) 推出三台液晶电视模型,配有Genessa高画质图像处理软件。 
1)推出两台第三代"Everio" 硬盘摄像机 GZ-MG77 与 GZ-MG67,以及用于"Everio" 系列摄像机的SHARE STATION DVD 刻录机CU-VD10 。 
2) JVC公司生产VHS Video荣获电子界“IEEE里程碑(IEEE MILESTONE)”国际大奖。 
1)推出DLA-HD1,一款真高清 D-ILA 家庭影院投影系统,具备行业最高的原生对比。 
2) 面向客户推出世界首款真高清硬盘摄像机Everio GZ-HD7。
JVC 公司借助音乐与图像的形式创建异彩纷呈的新交流方式。
JVC 公司凭借一流的音频、可视化技术与先进的通讯网络,营造出一种新颖独特的交流方式 – 世界各地的人们可以共享来自音乐大厅和体育竞技场馆的演出与赛事,体验在特定地点发生的鼓舞人心的特定历史事件,体验前所未有的激情澎湃,相互之间畅所欲言、尽情交流。
得益于网络技术的进步,通讯内容、架构及通讯端类型的多样化,公司目前已能通过各种更为优秀的手段,为客户提供一流的音乐与图像,应用于各个领域当中。JVC 小型机电运动平台(Mechatronic)技术、高质音频与可视化技术、高效解码技术,以及高密度记录、回放技术是公司独具特色、享有盛誉的几项创新,有助于创建最佳的、最为完善的解决方案。
尖端音频和可视化技术、通讯网络是JVC 公司实现向全世界客户传递无比精彩的音乐和图像节目的手段,公司并将在此基础上不断发展创新,扩大应用,满足客户的更多需求。
About JVC 
Victor Company of Japan, Limited (“JVC”) and Kenwood Corporation (“KENWOOD”) (collectively, “Both Companies”) established a joint holding company, “JVC KENWOOD Holdings, Inc.” on October 1, 2008 through share transfer, and carried out a management integration. 
JVC Group 
Regional Companies: 3; Regional HQ: 1 (China) 
Global Sales Subsidiaries: 31 in 27 countries 
Global Manufacturing Sites: 8 in 7 countries 
Main Japanese Manufacturing Sites: 6 
Number of Employees (Consolidated): 19,044 (as of March 31, 2008) 
Main Japanese Manufacturing Sites 
Japan Research and Development Center 
Main Japanese Consolidated Subsidiaries 
Global Manufacturing Sites 
Europe Area:Regional Company and Sales Subsidiaries 
Americas Area:Regional Company and Sales Subsidiaries 
Asia, Oceania, the Middle East and Africa: Regional Company and Sales Subsidiaries 
China Area: Regional HQ 
Other Main Global Subsidiaries 
Contributing to Society and Cultural Activities
JVC is committed to ensuring as many people as possible have the opportunity to share the inspiration and excitement that sports and the arts can offer. This thinking has underpinned our wide-ranging cultural activities over many years, mainly in the form of support for music, the arts, and sports.
It is vital for corporations to form ties with local communities and society. Taking this to heart, JVC works through various initiatives to establish meaningful relationships with local communities and society in general. 
Sponsoring Sporting Events
International Soccer Tournaments
JVC lends its hand to a range of sports in numerous countries around the world so that as many people as possible can enjoy the inspiration and excitement that sports offer - part of what we like to call "The Perfect Experience."In particular, we have been closely involved in the UEFA European Football Championship. An official partner since the 1980 UEFA tournament held in Italy, JVC has provided comprehensive support for this major soccer event, primarily by providing audio and visual equipment required to hold the championship.We aspire to develop high-definition technologies and products that deliver the inspiration and excitement of sports by making viewers feel as if they are actually right there to hear the crowd's cheers and feel the players' emotions.
Inspiration through Music
JVC Jazz Festivals
With the love of music in its corporate heart, JVC has sponsored the well-known JVC International Jazz Festival series since 1984. These events provide audiences worldwide opportunities to enjoy the always new sensations and excitement of jazz through our products.
This program has been one of JVC's contributions to world music culture. To date, JVC has supported over 170 jazz festivals where more than four million people have enjoyed the splendor of live music. JVC will continue to deliver the thrill of live jazz to music enthusiasts.
Expanding Video Culture
Tokyo Video Festival
Since 1978, JVC has held the Tokyo Video Festival (TVF), one of the world's largest video competitions. To date, the festival has attracted more than 48,000 video entries from 95 countries and regions around the world. For example, in TVF 2007, held in March 2007, an entry submitted by a Japanese high-school broadcasting club was among the three Japanese and international winners of the JVC Grand Prize, and was featured widely in newspapers and other media outlets.The TVF provides an opportunity for anyone to experience the fun of filming and the joy of video creation. JVC will continue to sponsor the TVF as a festival that broadens the scope of those who can contribute to video culture.
Contributing to Society
JVC is committed to being a good corporate citizen and a trusted member of the international community. 
In Vietnam, a total of 200 JVC employees support tree-planting efforts that began in 2002 to preserve the scenery and natural environment of the ancient city of Hue, which has several World Heritage sites. 
In the Czech Republic, we support an annual festival held at nursing care facilities that are opened to the public. Called "Between the Fences," this festival allows people with disabilities to interact and develop deeper bonds. 
In the United States, the American Cancer Society holds "Relay for Life" events as fund-raising campaigns. JVC has taken part in these campaigns for about 15 years, earning a reputation as an outstanding support group. 
JVC will continue to lend its support to activities that make a difference.
History of JVC 
1927 Victor Talking Machine Company of Japan, Limited established 
1939 Produced Japan's first TV receiver 
1954 Produced Japan's first EP record 
1956 Developed 45/45 stereo record format 
1958 Produced Japan's first stereo LP record 
Introduced STL-1S, Japan's first 45/45 stereo record player 
1960 Introduced 21CT-11B, JVC's first color TV set 
1963 Introduced KV-200, the world's smallest 2-head professional VCR 
1971 Introduced CD-4, 4-channel stereo record 
1976 Introduced HR-3300, the world's first VHS home video recorder 
1978 Held the first JVC Tokyo Video Festival 
1980 Started to sponsor the UEFA European Football Championship 
1)Held the first JVC Jazz Festival
2)Introduced GR-C1, a single-unit video camera 
1986 Introduced GR-C7, the world's smallest and lightest VHS-C video camera 
1987 Introduced HR-S7000, the world's first S-VHS video recorder 
1990 Introduced HR-SC1000, the world's first VHS/VHS-C compatible video recorder 
1991 Introduced AV-36W1, first multi-wide vision TV in the industry 
1)Introduced high-definition TV 
2)Introduced HR-W1, the world's first high-definition home video recorder 
1995 Introduced GR-DV1, the world's first pocket-sized digital video camera 
1998 Introduced DLA-G10, full S-XGA high-definition D-ILA multimedia projector 
1)Introduced AV-36/32Z1500, TVs equipped with D.I.S.T. (digital image scaling technology)
2)Introduced PD-42/35DT3, plasma display 
1)Introduced GR-HD1, high-definition digital video camera 
2)Introduced EX-A1, compact component system 
2004 1)Sponsored UEFA EURO 2004™
2)Introduced HD-ILA hybrid projection TV in North America 
3)Introduced hard disk camcorder "Everio" GZ-MC200/MC100 
1)JVC becomes UEFA EUROTOP Official Partner 
2)Introduced digital audio players XA-AL55 and XA-MP101/MP51 
3)Introduced professional HDV high-definition camera recorder GY-HD100
4)JVC co-develops high-quality audio compression technology "net K2" with Victor Entertainment, Inc. 
5)Introduced LT-37LC70, 37-inch LCD TV featuring the industry's first high-speed LCD driver 
6)Introduced three LCD TV models equipped with new Genessa "Image Intellegence" technology 
1)Introduced two third-generation "Everio" hard disk camcorders GZ-MG77 and GZ-MG67 and SHARE STATION DVD burner CU-VD10 for "Everio" series camcorders 
2)JVC awarded prestigious IEEE milestone for development of VHS video 
1)Introduced DLA-HD1, a full HD D-ILA home theater projection system with the industry's highest native contrast ratio 
2)Introduced Everio GZ-HD7, the world's first full HD hard disk camcorder targeted at consumers 
Business Vision
JVC's Objective
Create new ways to communicate through music and images 
Communicating the feelings of people far away from each other, communicating the thrills and excitement of concert halls and stadiums, bringing to people the emotion of a spectacle that only happens on a certain day in a certain place. It is for these reasons that JVC is proposing a new way to communicate using superior audio and visual technologies and communications network.
By taking advantage of the diversification of content, infrastructure and types of information terminals which accompanies the advancement of networks, it is now possible to provide music and images in ways that better meet user needs in a variety of applications. JVC is honing its own unique miniaturized Mechatronic technologies, high-quality audio and visual technologies, high efficient encoding technologies and high-density recording and playback technologies in order to create an environment in which each advancement can offer the best, optimal solution.
Using superior audio and visual technologies and communications networks, JVC will create new ways to communicate through music and images - vehicles that inspire people and expand the possibilities for creative expression.
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