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1870年 - 岩崎弥太郎开创了第一家三菱公司 - 一家船运公司。 
1872年 - 公司更名为光川商会,此后于1874年再度更名为三菱商会。 
公司名字来由 - 公司标识中独特的三颗钻石的设计灵感来自于日本古时土佐藩(现高知县)徽章上的三片橡树叶,以及岩崎家的家族徽章上的三颗叠放的钻石。“三菱”二字直译的意思就是“三颗钻石。” 
1885年 - 弥太郎去世,其弟弥之助继承兄长事业。 
1893年 - 弥太郎的儿子岩崎久弥成为公司社长,并开设了银行、房地产、市场营销和管理等部门,同时开展了造船业务。 
1916年 - 弥之助的儿子岩崎小弥太继任社长,带领三菱公司成为机械、电气设备、化学品等领域的领袖企业。 
二战时期 - 小弥太鼓励公司各部门经理和雇员摆脱当年日本人普遍的仇外心理。“三菱电机的许多英国和美国合作伙伴曾经与三菱电机一起合作过许多项目,与三菱电机有着共同利益。如果和平再度降临,他们会再次成为三菱电机忠实的朋友。” 
1946年 - 二战结束后,同盟国占领军要求日本大型工业集团解散。 
"Technically, Anything is Possible"
For more than 25 years, this statement has defined Mitsubishi Electric. From inventing the first rear-projection television to the first complete high definition TV system sold in the U.S., Mitsubishi defines leadership, innovation and excellence in home theater. 
We don't see the world as it is but rather as it can be. This perspective enables us to translate visions into unique and innovative technologies. In a culture that encourages passionate people to do their best work, Mitsubishi continually redefines superiority with one eye on our rich past and one on our boundless future. 
Our past is based on our values of honoring our customers, employees and communities. As we move forward, we remain committed to the uncompromising principles of quality, performance, value and honesty established by our founders. 
1870 - Yataro Iwasaki launched the first Mitsubishi company - a shipping firm. 
1872 - The company's name was changed to Mitsukawa Shokai, and then to Mitsubishi Shokai in 1874. 
Our name - The company's distinctive three diamonds originate from the three oak leaves of the Tosa crest and the three stacked diamonds of the Iwasaki family crest. Mitsubishi, literally translated, means "three diamonds." 
1885 - Yataro died and was succeeded by his brother Yanosuke. 
1893 - Yataro's son, Hisaya, became President and set up divisions for banking, real estate, marketing and administration, as well as for shipbuilding businesses. 
1916 - Yanosuke's son Koyata succeeded Hisaya as president and steered Mitsubishi to leadership in such sectors as machinery, electrical equipment and chemicals. 
WWII - Koyata encouraged his managers and employees to stand above the xenophobia that swept Japan during the war years. "We count many British and Americans among our business partners and friends who have undertaken projects together with us and who have shared interests with us. Should peace come again, they should again become good and faithful friends." 
1946 - After the war, Allied occupation forces demanded that Japan's big industrial groups disband. Mitsubishi 
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